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Wildwood Featured in Dwell

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On December 7, 2018 Wildwood was featured in a design inspiration article from Dwell online. Titled “Top 5 Homes of the Week with Soothing Bathrooms” the article featured top bathroom designs including the master bath at Wildwood as the feature image. Wildwood’s master bath uses a tranquil white color palette and large windows showcase private views of the forest beyond. Check out the rest of the bathroom inspiration on Dwell: 

Dwell Editor’s Pick: Wildwood

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Wildwood was chosen by Dwell to be added to their online Editor’s Pick list!  Dwell features the best submissions and shares them on their social media channels. You can check out the whole list here: and don’t forget to check out our Dwell profile too! Profile:

Wildwood is a rural retreat and primary residence hidden within the metro area of the Pacific Northwest.