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September 2015

Four Giulietti | Schouten ARCHITECTS Designs Advance To Regional Finals!

By Awards, Uncategorized

Four designs by GIULIETTI | SCHOUTEN A R C H I T E C T S have advanced to the regional finals in the Zillow Digs Design Awards.  Designers, builders and architects from around the western region of the U.S. submitted designs in various categories including bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms. The four top designs in each category were selected, or ‘dug’, by Zillow Digs users.  Two of the four finalists in both the bathrooms and bedrooms categories were GIULIETTI | SCHOUTEN A R C H I T E C T S designs!

Thank you to everyone who voted!  Now that our designs have advanced to the Western Regional Finals, we’d love for you to help us become National Finalists.  It’s easy, just click here to vote for one of our designs in each of the bedroom and bathroom categories!  You can also share this link with family, friends and social media,, and ask them to vote too.

Digs Design Awards
Digs Design Awards