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West Wind Progress

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We have another updated look at the construction of the West Wind House. Below is a panorama of the house so far compared to the original drawing of the design. 

Forgive the panorama, its a little distorted and bent. 

Bluff House

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Here is a look at another one of our projects in construction. This photos are from the Bluff House Project in White Salmon Washington. Keep an eye out for more construction photos coming soon, hopefully in sunny weather.

Functional Style

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Here are some slides that tie in with our first post about the “Holland Hook”. Architects in Holland at this time in the 1920’s were working in what is called the “functional style”. These slides below are all part of this functional style from Holland in the 1920’s. If you have any current day photos of these buildings or any travel experiences with visiting these places we would love to head about it. 

Administration Building, Dutch State Railways. Utrecht, Holland. George van Heukelom. 1918-21 Funtional Style

School. Hilversum, Holland. Willem Marinus Dudok. 1922. Functional Style

Apartment House. Amsterdam, Holland. Michel de Klerck. 1922. Functional Style

“The most important architect of the Amsterdam school style was Michel de Klerk who in one apartment block called Het Schip (The Ship) established all principal aesthetical solutions of this style. The School of Amsterdam style was largely influenced by expressionism.”

Quote and photo both from 

Bijenkorf Store, The Hague, Holland. Piet Kramer. 1924-26. Functional Style
De Bijenkorf (literally, “the beehive) is a chain of high-end department stores in the Netherlands with its flagship store on Dam SquareAmsterdam.In 1926, a second store was constructed in The Hague. It was designed by architect Piet Kramer and stands as an example of Amsterdam School architecture. Here is a photo of how the building looks today.

This photo was taken from

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We received a wonderful gift this week from Portland photographer David Papazian. It is a collection of black and white architectural photographic prints entitled “Modern Architecture” by Kenneth John Conant. 
It was distributed by The University Prints, Boston Massachusetts as part of their Student GM Series. We will be posting a few photos from the series each week and would love to hear from you about them. Perhaps you have some more information about a specific building or first hand experience visiting the building or landmark and would like to share your stories and memories with us. Hope you enjoy!

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In 2011, the first of the baby boomer generation turned 65 years old. It’s estimated that 8000 people a day will be turning 65 for the 18 years following that 2011 date. With advanced age there are higher odds of becoming temporarily or even permanently limited in mobility.  An ADAconsultant that I worked with a number of years ago, described able bodied people as temporarily mobile individuals. He himself was confined to a wheelchair. I have never forgotten what he said. All of us will, at some point, experience immobility to on degree or another. The American Disabilities Act that began in the 70’s has made great changes in every aspect of public buildings. More than ever I feel that our private residential designs, whether new construction or remodel work, should accommodate universal design to help everyone transition in the golden years. With creativity, the design solutions can be beautiful solutions. The article below by Karin Beuerlein highlights a number of design considerations. 

Adding Universal Design Features to Your Bathroom

This bathroom incorporates several elements of universal design, including a curbless shower, wheelchair-friendly sink, and a hand-held shower. Image: Porcher

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West Wind Residence, Yamhill County, Oregon
This modern ranch house with sweeping views of the wine country is one of our more recent projects currently under construction.  Designed as three separate structures, two separate master bedroom blocks and one central living area block, are all connected by a series of high shed roofs and low roof canopies.  With its single level U-shaped plan,  this 5000 SF design takes advantage of its wide site by creating large outdoor living areas within a central private courtyard. 
 Pacific Northwest and western influences in materials are Columbia River stone basalt walls and natural cedar at both interior and exterior planes.  The large roof overhangs and lower roof canopies were designed for better outdoor living in the winters and simultaneously offering shade during the dry summers.